Saturday, November 12, 2005


(this was written - 11/05)
So here I am married with children. Happy that I have that going for me. BUT! I realize that I am an individual. I am important. The things I do are for me as well as the kids, the wife, etc.

I don't really know what my point is beside the fact that I have had a few beers and am feeling the need to post things about myself or yet worse my thoughts in an online diary.

Hmmmm our need as humans to catalog, name, label, understand, or to pretend that we understand. This is perhaps the worst part. Pretending to have an answer to somthing that we do not. As if we really knew that we are totally out of control and that we are not in fact the center of the universe is somthing I notice people struggling with all the time. Now when I say this I don't mean that I believe that people are struggling with the idea that they have a hard time with. Rather, just an innate thing like pooping after your food digests.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Guessing Gas (first post)

Welcome to my blog...

Keep on guessing about the rising price of gas. I filled my tank last night and spent $50!!! This is only going to get worse. I have a BMW which essentially would be a worthless pile of metal and plastic if we ran out. So the point is with the volatility of gas prices...Where does it end?

Are we damned with the cost of gasoline? Are we to have a repeat of the 70's? It there going to be mayhem at the pumps?

I was told at the C-store down the street that they are almost out of gas and that they can't get a delivery of more gas. This is serious. What if we ran out of gas literally?

What do we do?